It's fun to work on new Treasure Attic concepts!

Especially when you get to create a sports car! This is my latest PPC project, the new TA DVD's. This is just a mockup of the front cover, still working on stuff, it'll be quite different. And I have to make a whole bunch. Basically U. Jim, Peepers, and Bunny will be in that pose on all the covers and the backgrounds will change according to the 2 shows on the DVD, but they will also change with different clothes and stuff.
Well people, tell me what you think. Is the cartoon style ok? I like tge solid colors, do you? Like the new TA logo? Tell me whatever you like. Cheers!


Kirsten Ryan said...

Ok I'm not trying to cramp your style but I think it'd look awesome if you made it more 3 dimensional. But I think you've done a great job!!

Anonymous said...

cute and family friendly.

Anonymous said...

oh abner, what happened to the Familyblogs site?