Which is more worth it?

Jesus: The way of the true disciple is to give all to Me, knowing that this life is short by comparison to the heavenly rewards that are awaiting. Trust fully in My love for you, knowing that I give what is best for you, and that which will make you happy.

Making choices in life can be tough, but this quote really helped give me an out-of-the-blue peek at the big picture. Think of the following comparisons ...

- Do something you really feel like doing right now but shouldn't do, and feel good for a short time now OR do something you don't feel like doing right now, and feel good for eternity because of it.
- Endure hardness for what seems like forever in this life and be eternally grateful for lesson learned OR weasel out now and regret eternally you missed such a good cost for value trade.
- Love and lose, or never love at all.

My mind's taking a trip into eternity for more comparisons ...